A lead developer for a Salesforce organization needs to develop a page-centric application that allows the user to interact with multiple 2 objects related to a Contact. The application needs to implement a third-party JavaScript framework such as Angular, and must be made available in both Classic and Lightning Experience. | \ Given these requirements, what is the recommended solution to develop the application?
Which method should be used to convert a Date to a String in the current user's locale?
A developer is tasked with creating a Lightning web component that allows users to create a Case for a selected product, directly from a custom Lightning page. The input fields in the component are displayed in a non-linear fashion on top of an image of the product to help the user better understand the meaning of the fields. Which two components should a developer use to implement the creation of the Case from the Lightning web component?
A company has a custom object, order__c, that has a required, unique external ID field called order_Number__c Which statement should be used to perform the DML necessary to insert new records and update existing records in a list of order__c records using the external ID field?
A developer wrote a trigger on Opportunity that will update a custom Last Sold Date field on the Opportunity's Account whenever an = . Opportunity is closed. In the test class for the trigger, the assertion to validate the Last Sold Date field fails. Calculator i What might be causing the failed assertion?
What is a benefit of using a WSDL with Apex?
A developer needs to store variables to control the style and behavior of a Lightning Web Component. Which feature should be used to ensure that the variables are testable in both Production and all Sandboxes?
A business currently has a process to manually upload orders from its external Order Management System (OMS) into Salesforce. | This is a labor intensive process since accounts must be exported out of Salesforce to get the IDs. The upload file must be updated with the Poet correct account IDs to relate the orders to the corresponding accounts. Q \ Which two recommendations should make this process more efficient? 7 ' Pencil & Paper ‘ Choose 2 answers
A company uses their own custom-built enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to handle order management. The company wants Sales ——— s Reps to know the status of orders so that if a customer calls to ask about their shipment, the Sales Rep can advise the customer about the Calculator | order's status and tracking number if it has shipped. og \ Which two methods can make this ERP order data visible in Salesforce?
A company has an Apex process that makes multiple extensive database operations and web service callouts. The database processes and 2 web services can take a long time to run and must be run sequentially. i How should the developer write this Apex code without running into governor limits and system limitations?
A developer wrote an Apex method that makes an HTTP callout to an external system to get specialized data when a button is clicked from a custom Lightning web component on the Account record page. Recently, users have complained that it takes longer than desired for the data to appear on the page after clicking the button. What should the developer use to troubleshoot this issue?
trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before update) [ for (Opportunity opp : Trigger-new) { OpportunityHandler.setPricingStructure (Opp) public class OpportunityHandler( public static void setPricingStructure (Opportunity thisOpp) { Pricing_Structure_¢c ps = [Select Type__c FROM Pricing _Structure_¢ WHERE industry_o<¢ = tthisOpp.Account_Industry_¢]? thisOpp.Pricing Structure_c = ps.Type__c: update thisOpp; Which two best practices should the developer implement to optimize this code?
A developer used custom settings to store some configuration data that changes occasionally. However, tests are now failing in some of the sandboxes that were recently refreshed. What should be done to eliminate this issue going forward?
A developer wishes to improve runtime performance of Apex calls by caching results on the client. What is the most efficient way to implement this?
A developer wrote the following method to find ail the test accounts in the org: public static Account[] searchTestAccounts() [ List searchList = [ FIND ‘test’ IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account (Name) ]¢ return (Account(]) searchList (6); However, the test method below fails. @isTest public static void testSearchTestAccounts () ( Account a = new Account (nam|e="test"); insert a; Recount [] accounts = TestAccountFinder.searchTestaAccounts (); System.assert(accounts.size() == 1 ); What should be used to fix this failing test?